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FIT Drone Policy

Purpose of policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction and detail how Drones may be used at FIT events.

Policy scope and application

This policy automatically applies to all Tier 1 & 2 events as identified by the FIT Event Classification Policy, including:

Tier 3 event organisers are encouraged to adopt this policy.

To ensure appropriate rules and legal requirements are applied to Drone usage (commercial and private) at FIT sanctioned events the following policy will be trialed over a two (2) year period with ongoing review to ensure safety is the primary consideration.


Authorised Party
means a drone operator that holds the appropriate and relevant civil aviation authority and a Remote Operating Certificate, or the relevant national equivalent. The Authorised Party must hold appropriate insurance coverage, including but not limited to, Public Liability insurance.
means a remotely piloted aircraft. Also known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or UAV and Remotely Piloted Aircraft or RPA.

Regulatory background

Commercial entities found to be operating a Drone without appropriate approvals from regulators may be served with infringement notices and/or financial penalties and/or criminal charges.

Strict rules in relation to civil/hobby Drone use may also apply. Failure to comply may be a breach of federal regulations and may result in infringement notices and/or financial penalties and/or criminal charges.

Policy statement

FIT recognises there are various beneficial applications of Drone technology at FIT events.

To reduce risk FIT will partner with licensed pilots to oversee all Drone flights at FIT events.

FIT will share key learnings with member nations regarding the adoption of Drone use during events to ensure a global best practice standard may be established.

FIT Drone policy

Drone usage

Not all FIT events will permit the use of Drones. The event specific conditions will identify the degree to which Drones may be used.

When a FIT event permits the use of Drones, the following steps must be taken to ensure local regulations are met:

Aviation regulations vary between jurisdictions. The event management team must work with the appointed Authorised Party to ensure compliance for the particular venue.

Pilot induction

When a FIT event permits the use of Drones the Authorised Party will conduct a pilot induction session prior to the start of the event. Only individuals who successfully complete the induction will be permitted to pilot Drones during the event.


FIT, the event management team and the Authorised Party will work collaboratively to ensure any non-compliant flights are reported to the local aviation authorities who may investigate.

Unauthorised flights

In the event of an unauthorised flight by an individual from a FIT member nation, the member nation will be served with a fine notice of AUD$2,000 and all representative teams of the member nation will be suspended from taking further part in the event (matches will be awarded to opponents as forfeiture) until the fine has been paid.

Policy review

Due the rising adoption and changing nature of Drone use and their regulations across the world, FIT will review this policy on an on-going basis.


Enquiries in relation to this policy should be directed to the FIT Event Commission Chair.

FIT and our aviation partners can work with member nations who wish to establish their own Drone policies.




This document has been authorised by:

Approval Authority
Responsible Officer
Event Commission Chair
Date first approved
18 April 2018
Date last amended
18 April 2018
Effective start date
18 April 2018
Date to be reviewed
30 June 2020